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Aims of Nihyuddha

Nihyuddha is an origin martial art from ancient INDIA. Following aims we follow with World Nihyuddha Foundation:-

1.      Found Nihyuddha as the best sport of martial art in all over the world.

2.      Build up the mantel and physical power in human body.

3.      Introduce the Nihyuddha Dharma for any human specially Yoddha
(Player of Nihyuddha).

4.      Brought the way of truth and internal power (Para Shakti).

5.      Affiliate all nations and countries with Nihyuddha Dharma and sport's

6.      Going up to the every person for introduce and establish Nihyuddha Dharma and sport's pattern.

7.      Arrange Nihyuddha's training camps, Nihyuddha's master's training camps in all over world like Nations, Countries up to their states and Districts

8.      Camps for referees, jury and judges for International, National, State and District level tournaments of Nihyuddha.

9.      Arrange Nihyuddha's color belt exams. Black Belt exams include with exam of acharya of Nihyuddha. Also arrange examination for all the part of Nihyuddha sport pattern and Nihyuddha Dharma.

10.  Awarded Nihyuddha's all types’ title and their certificates.

11.  Issue license for Nihyuddha coaching and classes for any part of the world.

Send mail to nihyuddha@hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 World Nihyuddha Federation (Reg.)
Last modified: 29-09-2004